The current situation in the world has inspired modern bestselling author David Samvelian to write a new novel.

Attention, the Doors Aren’t Closing! is a story about love and infection and the state of being infected with love. The novel, in fact, contains many symbolic elements. First, it consists of 19 chapters, which is related to the name of the virus, COVID-19. Only the last of the chapters does not have a title, but the reader will find the answers to all the questions in that chapter. The heroes of the book are an Armenian boy and an Italian girl, who met in China. The events take place in three countries: Armenia, China, and Italy. You will notice two main lines: love, personal relationships, and the pandemic, and sometimes the parallels intersect. In the novel, the author presents the national features of different nations, the situation in the modern world, the positive and negative sides of the situation. He claims that LOVE is the CURE.

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